OSCR (Office of Student Community Relations)

Bennett Centre W128

The Office of Student Community Relations (OSCR) supports students impacted by critical incidents, facing personal crises, or other complex issues. Our mandate is to provide advice, referrals, training, alternate dispute resolution methods, judicial processes (local adjudication, tribunals), critical incident support and student leadership opportunities. Other supports include contacting students and/or their family and assisting them by arranging appropriate referrals and support, both internal and external to York. OSCR works directly with the Office of the President, Faculties, Security Services, and the Registrar. OSCR also work closely with Student Counselling, Health & Well-being and The Centre for Sexual Violence.

OSCR during Covid-19
OSCR services are currently being provided remotely through telephone 416-736-5231 and email.oscr@yorku.ca.