Student Counselling, Health & Well-being

Walk-In Counselling | N110 Bennett Centre
416-736-5297 | Monday-Friday 9:00-4:00

Walk in counselling is intended to provide you with immediate access to qualified to a counselling professional in a safe and positive space. The focus of this session will be on the issues(s) that you have identified as having brought you into the office that day. The goal is that at the end of the session you will feel supported, empowered, and better equipped to tackle the issue(s) you have identified.

Walk-In Counselling during Covid-19
SCD services are currently being provided remotely through a confidential telephone/video counselling platform. If interested in speaking with a counsellor for walk-in or emergency support, please call 416-736-5297. If the line is busy, please wait for a few minutes and try again.

What to Expect:

  • Arrive at Student Counselling & Development in N110 Bennett Centre for Student Services prepared to spend approximately 1.5 – 2 hours for your walk-in session (Not available during COVID-19)
  • Fill out some brief paperwork (e.g. to verify that you are a York University student)
  • Meet with the counsellor for approximately 50 minutes
  • The counsellor will work with you to determine a goal for the session
  • The counsellor will work with you while focusing on your strengths to identify concrete skills and strategies that you can practice immediately to begin resolving the issue(s) you have identified
  • Collaborate with your counsellor to create a “next steps” plan of action to get you started on the path to change.

Good2Talk: After Hours Support
Text: GOOD2TALKON to 686868

Good2Talk is a free, confidential helpline for Ontario post-secondary students, providing professional counselling and information, and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being. It operates 24 hours every day of the year.

Additional supports:
For out of province assistance: