Mary Riccardi
Title: Senior Undergraduate Advisor
About me: I handle complex advising matters and coordinate petition cases. My passion is to explore all possible avenues and options to better assist and empower students. I am a YorkU graduate who continues to seek lifelong learning. I also enjoy travelling and developing my understanding of the interplays of evolving cultures. Overall fitness always remains a constant habit in my daily regime.
Favourite Quote: “Change your thoughts and you change your world” – Norman Vincent Peale.
Sally George
Title: Undergraduate Student Advisor
About me: I have been with the AMPD advising office (OAISS) since its inception, and I couldn’t ask for a more meaningful career than guiding students along their journey to academic success! When I’m not at work, I love hiking, exploring international cuisines, and planning activities for my church high school team.
Favourite Quote: “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis
Jenny Cesario
Title: Undergraduate Student Advisor
About me: I am a YorkU alumni and I have worked at York for 22 years. As an academic advisor, I get to meet students as they start an exciting time in their lives and I am here to support them through their educational experience. From degree requirements and grade point averages to going on an International Exchange and Graduation, I am here to help you navigate all of your options and opportunities. I enjoy going on road trips and going to live music shows.
Favourite Quote: “Life has no limitations, except the ones you make” – Les Brown
Marty Alaimo
Title: Undergraduate Student Advisor
About me: I am a proud York University alumnus, twice over. I love nothing more than helping students discover their unique pathway to graduation. A self-proclaimed bookworm, I love to read but don’t trust me with your plants… I won’t be able to keep them alive!
Favourite Quote: “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson