Academic Accommodation & Consideration

Academic Accommodation is provided to students with documented disabilities as part of York’s commitment to accessibility and equity and guided by the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Policy on accessible education for students with disabilities and York University Senate Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities. Determining which academic accommodations are appropriate is a shared responsibility between a student, their accessibility counsellor, and professor/course director. The following scenarios may arise:

If you are a student with a documented disability and You are registered with Student Accessibility Services:

Faculty should consult your Letter of Accommodation (LOA) for the recommended accommodations. Should you have any concerns or questions about these recommendations, please contact your Accessibility Counsellor at the top of the LOA.

If you disclose to your instructor that you have a documented disability but have not yet registered with Student Accessibility Services, please connect SAS as soon as possible

If you are concerned that you may have a disability that may be interfering with your success, you should meet with our staff at Student Accessibility Services.

Possible campus supports include:
Student Accessibility Services

Office of Student Community Relations Student Counselling and Development

Academic & Learning Support